My HF radio contact #1000

It’s amazing sometimes to think how little time it may take us to develop affection to something – be it a place, an occupation, or something else. And when you are really inspired by an activity – you are driven to achieve new milestones!

I was reflecting recently on my path as an amateur radio operator, and I realized how blessed I am with consequences just being right for me and my hobby. The right people appearing in my life at the right moment to give advice or lend a helping hand, the right circumstances to expand my equipment park, discover new ways to enjoy the hobby, and be able to use my skills to give back to my community by volunteering in many ways.

It’s been just a little over a year when I successfully passed my General license exam, and made my first steps on HF. Since then I was lucky to be able to install an outdoor antenna, I discovered field radio for myself and spent hours and days operating outdoors, I learned CW, and am working on an ultra-portable field radio station.

This past weekend I reached another milestone. While casually browsing the bands between the Wisconsin Parks on the Air event, Washington State Salmon Run, and the New Jersey QSO Party, I logged my 1000th contact on the HF bands.

My QSL card celebrating the 1000th contact on the HF radio is going to Washington State
The celebratory QSL card that went on its way to Washington State yesterday.

My QSO # 1000 was with Scott AG7KO from Washington State. He operated as part of the Salmon Run contest – but kindly took some time to have a brief chat when I mentioned to him about my little milestone. Scott said that he enjoys some operating stats as well, as it adds fun to the hobby – and I can’t disagree with him!

My 1000th contact on the high frequency (HF) amateur radio bands was with the station AG7KO near Seattle, WA - over 2250 miles away from my location!
My 1000th contact on the HF bands happened to be with the AG7KO amateur radio station near Seattle, WA.

The band conditions were honestly far from optimal, and the noise level was particularly high that day (probably due to the thunderstorms that kept developing around the area). However, we had a very good copy of each other – despite being 2250 miles apart! Another great demonstration of the power of the radio waves.

With this, my main message remains the same: you can have a lot of fun, achieve milestones and reach goals with any resources, however limited they may be. Start small now, don’t wait for later! And I will keep moving forward, excited about the next milestones that are waiting for me!

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