Nebraska State Parks Centennial Celebration

In 2021, the Nebraska State Parks celebrate their centennial anniversary. To commemorate this milestone in the spirit of the Parks on the Air program, the amateur radio community plans to join efforts and put as many Nebraska parks on the air as we can, together!

The activators who took part in the discussion of the format and dates of the event made a join decision that we will celebrate the Nebraska Parks Centennial on the Air during two week-long events in spring and fall of this year.

Spring Activation Event: May 10-16

Fall Activation Event: September 6-12

We are still looking for more activators to join our ranks! If you would like to participate in our event, please get in touch with me using the form on the bottom of this page. Please also let me know what parks are you planning to activate and when – soon maps for spring and fall activation events will be published for convenience of the activators and hunters.


April 25, 2021

The dates are set!

The dates for both Spring and Fall Activation Events are now set – thank you all who participated in the discussion! Please send me your activation plans (what park(s) and when) so that I can put them together on the map!

April 25, 2021
April 21, 2021

Voting for the dates

We are currently looking at potential dates for both planned activation periods. If you would like to provide your input, please fill in the survey based on your personal preferences.

April 21, 2021
February 16, 2021

Results of the event format survey

The survey is now closed, and the results are in! The event will be two week-long activation periods, one in spring or early summer, and another in late summer or fall. We will now begin discussing the dates. Stay tuned!

February 16, 2021
December 25, 2020

Discussing the event format

We are discussing the format of the future event at this time. You can provide your feedback and suggestions by filling a short survey, and we will be in touch with you with the results and further plans.

December 25, 2020
December 15, 2020

Project started – looking for interested activators!

At the present time, we are collecting information about potentially interested amateur radio operators who live in Nebraska, or would be willing to drive to a Nebraska park on the date(s) of the event to activate it. Further updates will appear on this page, and will be communicated to the interested activators by email.

December 15, 2020
Project StageTimeframeStatus
Disseminate initial information and gather contacts of potentially interested activatorsongoingongoing
Discuss and approve the event formatDec 2020 – Jan 2021completed
Discuss and approve the event date(s)Mar – Apr 2021completed
Create the map/schedule for planned activationsApr – Jul 2021ongoing

Who the Activators Are – on the map


Don’t see your callsign on this map? That’s easy to fix! Fill the form below, and you will be included in all further communication – and get your own pin on the map!